Ground Mobile Display
The M68-GM is a modular, open architecture display system. It is designed to meet the needs of an integrated situational awareness, command and control man-machine interface device. The M68-GM is suitable for deployment in any vehicle where extreme ruggedness is required
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Performance Specifications
- Processor Standard system 3U VPX processor module based on the Texas Instruments System on Chip TMS320DM8168
- Resolution up to 1280×800
- Backlight Sunlight readable, 200fL , MIL-STD-3009 NVIS color compatible LED AMLCD backlight system. (IR touch system off)
- Video Processing Multi-format video capture, video encoding, decoding, and trans-coding, dual display output, in system record and playback in full screen or split screen. OpenGL ES 1.1 and 2.0 Graphics API. Graphics over video, windowing, alpha blending. Three embedded video capture, imaging and transcode engines, up to 1080p60Hz each
- I/O Interfaces
- 4x RS-422
- 4x RS-232
- RS-485
20x digital discrete programmable to be input or output, Open/Gnd, or +28V/Gnd - 4x NTSC/RS-170 Video Inputs
- 4x HD-SDI Video Inputs (up to 1080p60Hz)
- NTSC/RS-170 Video Output
- HD-SDI Video Output
- 2x IEEE802ab 10/100/1000
- 2x USB 2.0
- Controls High resolution Infrared Touch System with a physical resolution of 0.125 inch.
28 Independently Flashed, Multicolor, Bezel Keys. - Connectors MIL-C-38999 Series III
- Cooling Conduction Cooled
- Interchangeability
- 10.4” Diagonal XGA AMLCD
- 12.1” Diagonal XGA AMLCD
- 12.1” HD Wide (1280×800) AMLCD
- Expansion One spare 3U VPX slot and one double slot 3U VPX position(can be used for the optional 3U VPX carrier with general purpose COTS ComExpress SBC module.)
Environmental Specifications
- Operating Temperature -40F to +140F (-40C to +60C)
- Storage Temperature -40F (30hrs)
- Humidity MIL-STD-810E, Method 507.3 Procedure II, induced, cyclic, high humidity, 15 day test.
- Vibration Vibration, per MIL-STD-810E, Method 514.4, Category 8, Wheeled Vehicle per Figure 514.4-4, and Table 514.4-AXIX and Tracked Vehicle per Figure 514.4-5, and Table 514.4-AIII. Functional one hour per axis; endurance 10 hours per axis.
- Shock Ballistic Shock per MIL-S-901 (LWSM), Hard deck mount, light weight test. Two shocks per axis.
- EMI/EMC EMI/RFI Emissions and Susceptibility per MIL-STD-461E. CE102, CS101, CS114, CS115, CS116, RE102, RS103.
- Salt Atmosphere Salt Fog, 4 day test, per MIL-STD-810E, Method 509.3
- Sand and Dust Blowing Sand, per MIL-STD-810E, Method 510.3, Procedure 2, Blowing Dust per MIL-STD-810F, Method 510.3 Procedure I
- A modular chassis design consisting of an interchangeable display head assembly and a five slot, conduction cooled, 3U VPX chassis assembly.
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- EMP diode pack